Marcel Messmer
Please introduce yourself briefly (name, age, place of residence)
Marcel Meßmer , 32 years old, Rabenau (Hessen)
Who else is in your family?
My friend Christin and our children J
What's your profession? What do you like about it?
I work as a team leader at Carbon Advanced Solutions, a new challenge every day.
What do sport in general and mountain biking in particular mean to you?
For me, cycling means switching off from everyday life. My head becomes free and I do something good for my body. Much has changed for the better since I started mountain biking.
Is there anything else for you other than work and mountain biking?
Family, friends, fire brigade, swimming.
What memories/experiences have you had with MaXalami?
My races have fortunately been free of breakdowns until now. But I practiced diligently on an old tire.
How do you manage to harmonize your training with work and family or friends?
Because I work in two shifts I can plan my training well, which would not be possible without the support of my girlfriend.
How many hours a week do you work and how many do you train?
I work about 39 hours a week and train between 8-15 hours.
Do you adapt your diet to your sport and what do you pay attention to?
I adapt it to my training and look at it from everything that is there.
I love pasta and rice, which luckily the kids like.
What does a typical day during the week look like for you?
Early shift: Late shift:
4:40 Getting up 7:00 Getting up
5:00 Muesli 8:00 - 12:30 Time for training
5:40 Coffee at work 14:00 - 22:00 Working
14:00 Closing time 23:30 Bed
Ca.15:00 Coffee with Christin
15:30 - 20 o'clock time for training and family
22:00 Bed
What do you remember most about the past season?
Participation in the Hessen Marathon Championship.
Great training trips with my club colleagues and friends 😊
What goals have you set yourself for the 2020 season?
Ride on podiums and stay fall free.
We wish you all the best for the future!